ABT-3100 เป็นเครื่องมือทดสอบการสั่นไหวแบบกึ่งอัตโนมัติ
The ABT-3100 is a semi-automated burst / buckle tester designed to check the pressure at which the aerosol can end will buckle, and the pressure at which the aerosol can will burst.
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Features & Benefits
- New faster test times
- Auto-Start Function – The test does not begin until the door is secured
- Uses the quick-fill technology: The pressure builds up rapidly to a pre-determined point, then slows down the time rise of the measurement window.
- Automatic data export
- No change parts required
- More powerful than ever before with 55 bar
- 60 Fully-customizable test types, such as holding at set pressures
- Measures Pressure Drop at time of Buckle
- Auto-start functionality – Begin test as soon as door is secured
- 55 bar Max Test Pressure
- Best selling burst tester in the industry
- Automatic detection of buckle and burst
- Automatic assignment of top or bottom burst
- Automatic data export
- With 3-piece cans, Top and Bottom Buckle may be graphed [pressure over time] on-screen
- Fully-self contained with internal water supply
- Multiple heights and diameters of aerosol cans may be measured without the need for change parts
- Additional adapters are available for Monobloc, PET Bottles, Aluminum Bottles, and Aerosol Cans with non-standard openings
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Aerosol Can Burst Tester ABT-3100