เทคโนโลยีการวัดค่าความชื้นแบบออนไลน์ด้วยสัญญาณคลื่นความถี่ (Radio Frequency : RF) จึงนิยมนำมาประยุกต์ใช้ได้ดีกับอุตสาหกรรมหลากหลายประเภท อาทิ เช่น
– อุตสาหกรรมผลิตวัสดุประเภทแผ่นเรียบ จำพวก Gypsum Board, Floor Tiles, Veneer, Plywood, Fiberboard, Hard Board, Particle Board, Oriented Strand Board (OSB), Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) เป็นต้น
– อุตสาหกรรมอาหาร จำพวก Cereals, Animal Feeds, Nuts, Coffee Beans, Grains, Caramel เป็นต้น
– อุตสาหกรรมวัสดุสิ่งทอ จำพวก Rugs, Wovens & Non Wovens, Felts, Textiles เป็นต้น
– อุตสาหกรรมกระดาษ จำพวก Cardboard, Corrugated Boxes, Laminateds, Extrusion Coatings on Paper/Foil, Composite Board, Paper Webs, Paper Pulp เป็นต้น
– อุตสาหกรรมผลิตฟิล์ม จำพวก Flexible Packaging, Cast Film, Biax Film, PVB & EVA Film, PE Film เป็นต้น

Determining the proper type of moisture sensor is essential to the accuracy of your moisture measurement.
We have found that every application of moisture measurement technology requires an inclusive consideration of the product being measured.
This consideration helps to determine the type of technology that best suits the application.
PSC has developed two primary technologies, Near-Infrared (NIR) and Radio Frequency (RF), to achieve the greatest accuracy for each application of moisture measurement technology.
Before settling on one technology over the other it is always a good idea to consult a specialist and have them explain why the one technology is better for your application than the other.
Real-Time Moisture Control Technology
Accurate Moisture Measurement and Spotting these variations in real-time provide the manufacturer the ability to spotlight errors in their process and make adjustments to minimize and/or eliminate damage before it is too late. Maintenance of product consistency for chemical producers requires effective moisture control in the manufacturing process.
ProcessSensors is the leading brand in real-time moisture measurement and control with our more than 20+ distinct classifications of IR and RF technologies.
RF Moisture Measurement
This is an important distinction of RF technology and why it is required for the measurement of finished board products. Conventional moisture sensor manufactures will typically offer IR technology for this application where RF technology is essential for an accurate penetrating measurement. In most cases we will recommend a penetrating RF moisture sensor for finished board applications.
You can see more details in video demonstration : https://youtu.be/mrO3C96OJBA
Multiple Moisture Measurement for Building and Construction Products
Surface vs. Penetrating Measurement
IR technology is a surface measurement and its effective use depends upon the moisture distribution of the product being measured.
If there is not a uniform moisture distribution within the product being measured than the moisture composition of the surface will likely not be equal to the whole of the product.
This is a primary consideration when making the determination whether a particular application will be a good fit for IR technology. Although moisture distribution is a primary consideration it is not the sole consideration. Consult a specialist for a free laboratory analysis of the product to be measured.
RF technology is a penetrating measurement that uses a radio frequency dielectric measurement to analyze the full moisture composition of your product.
This moisture measurement technology relies on the relatively high dielectric of water relative to most solids. The measurement is sensitive to variations in product density but provides an accurate moisture measurement for applications falling within its scope of use.
To receive our instruments for moisture analysis of your product to determine whether RF is a good match for your application. Alternatively, Please send a quick note to begin your applications information to our Sales & Engineering Team: