Final call!! วันนี้ลงทะบียน Free Webinar

Container Closure Integrity Testing of Vials: To -80°C and beyond!
Wednesday, September 28, 11:00 am EDT (8am PDT, 4pm BST, 5pm CEST)
This 30-minute webinar (including Q & A) will cover the following topics.
Are you working with pharmaceutical products that require deep cold storage? Studies have shown that deep cold storage temperatures can introduce risk to the container closure integrity (CCI) of vials traditionally used to fill sterile pharmaceutical products.
This webinar will discuss the effects of deep cold storage at -80°C and beyond on the CCI of sterile vials. Key takeaways for attendees:
• The reasons behind why leak testing at ultra-cold temperature conditions is required.
• What are the challenges associated with CCI testing at cold temp conditions?
• Helium technology in support of package development & package integrity profile.
• A review of the Helium test equipment setup needed to ensure CCI of product requiring deep cold storage as well as the supporting test methodology.
• Case studies with supporting data on CCI of products requiring deep cold storage will be presented.