Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)

Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)

Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems Exceeds all EPA 40 CFR Part 60 & 75 requirementsApplication:ETHANOL PLANTS,GAS AND OIL TURBINES,PETRO CHEMICAL,BOILERS,HEATERS,Utilizes micro-technology, compact PLC”s and a remote PC to “create a low cost, accurate and reliable stack gas monitoring system. The latest technologies such as, thermoelectric coolers and chillers, miniature infrared, and fuel cells to build a system that will cost effectively meet all of your emissions monitoring needs.

Biomass Power O2, COPower Plant O2, CO, NO, NO2Yeast Producer TOC monitoring systemsEthanol Producer O2, NO, NO2, COBio Diesel O2, NO, NO2 and COSCR-TO NH3 removal O2, NO and NO2RTO and Dryer NO, NO2, CO, O2Gas turbines NO, NO2, SO2, CO, O2Chemical plant NO, NO2, CO, O2Medical waste disposal unit dual O2Opacity for P&W turbine NOx, Duel level CO, O2Engineering Platform SO2, NOx, O2Refinery off shore platforms SO2, NOx, O2Portable stack testing system SO2, NOx, CO, O2, CO2Clean Air Engineering NOx, O2Refinery Monitoring of H2S in high pressure fuel feedhigh pressure turbines SO2, NOx, O2Allison Turbine SO2, NOx, CO2, CO, O2Government Agency SO2, NOx, CO2, CO, O2gas turbines NOx, CO, O2Refining Monitoring of SO2 and O2combustion lab O2, NOx, CO, CO2 and O2AVAILABLE GASESCustom Design your Continuous Emissions Monitoring System! Choose just one gas or as many as eight different gases to meet your facility’s unique monitoring needs!
Carbon Monoxide CO
Carbon Dioxide CO2
Nitric Oxide NO
Nitrogen Dioxide N02
Sulfur Dioxide S02
Oxygen 02
Hydrogen Sulfide H2S
Hydrogen H2
Methane CH4
Hexane” C6H14
Propane C3H8
Chlorine CL2
Hydrogen Cyanide HCN
Ammonia NH3
Hydrogen Fluoride HF
Total Reduced Sulfur TRS
Fuel flow, Flow, Water injection, Temperature and Opacity can incorporate in to the systemADVANCED COMPUTER SOFTWAREThe on board PLC can store up to 1 weeks of data without the PC on line. Additional input. Parameters such as fuel flow, stack gas flow, opacity, temperature etc. can be included in the system. The software can trend any of the 128 parameters that are stored or calculated, in the PC, comparing up. To any five at a time, over any time frame. Remote access via modem, can be used for analysis, reporting and control

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