Indoor Air Quality Myths Debunked

Today’s buildings, whether it is a home, office, manufacturing plant, hospital, etc., are more energy efficient; however, they also foster a potentially harmful environment. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has become a rising concern in the HVAC industry.

Indoor Air Quality Myths Debunked

Poor IAQ can cause a number of health issues such as, allergies, dryness and irritation to the eyes, nose, throat, and skin. It can also cause headaches, shortness of breath, hypersensitivity, sinus congestion, coughing, sneezing, nausea, and dizziness. Depending on the type of building, the main factors of poor IAQ are different. For residential homes, carbon monoxide, pet dander, dust mites and mold spores are the common factors. For parking garages, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and propane are the common factors. By educating ourselves about poor IAQ, we can be proactive to install systems, such as gas detectors, air purifiers, etc., in the building for a healthier living environment.

Below are IAQ myths about gas detection systems that have been debunked:

MYTH: Permanent gas detectors are effective.
FACT: True. Gas detectors are effective in detecting the gas that’s in the air. Regular maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer is important in keeping these gas detectors up to date. Whether it is a simple calibration process, replacement sensor or parts, or even a firmware upgrade, it is highly recommended.

MYTH: Sensors do not need to be replaced once they’re in the field.
FACT: False. Every sensor has a different life expectancy depending on the gas type and manufacturer. The life expectancy of sensors range from a year to ten years; therefore, it is advisable to contact the manufacturer for details.

MYTH: Ozone is safe for our health.
FACT: False. It is effective in fighting a number of pollutants including odors, chemicals, bacteria, etc. However, ozone generators are known to emit harmful substances into the air. When ozone is used for treating asthma, it is done in clinics that are under strict medical surveillance.

MYTH: Air pollution is only an outdoor problem.
FACT: False. Indoor air can be 12 times more polluted than the air outside.

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